I don’t know about you, but when I first heard that Topshop were launching their own make up line, I was both a little skeptical and a little intrigued at the same time. Three years later and I have to say that I am constantly impressed by their range, every time I drop by the make up section it feels fresh and updated, never stale or stagnant.

I’m a huge fan of liquid lipsticks, the intensity of the full-on colour, the matte finish and the longevity. Naturally then I was freaking excited to see that Topshop’s Damned Collection had finally arrived at my local store. Why? It contained the highly anticipated ‘Velvet Lips’, of course!

The Damned Collection has seen Topshop go all gothic on us, something I thought I’d never say! As far as Velvet Lips is concerned, they’ve given us three choices: Plush, Velveteen Ribbon (a luxurious deep red) and Raven (black!). Honestly, I’d have bought them all if I was able to find Raven, but alas I ended up with just the first two.



Plush is a purple shade with a blue base to it. When applied to the lips, you can detect a faint hint of blue, but the plum easily overwhelms it. The tube gives the impression that there’s a metallic element running through it, but that impression fades when actually on the lips.


Velvet Lips is fairly similar to other liquid lipsticks I’ve used in the past. I applied with the doe footed applicator provided, it applies wet and is dry within seconds to a completely matte, velvety texture. It feels incredibly soft on the lips, and even to the touch. Sounds perfect right?


But you have to believe me when I say that I really wanted to like this. 

The colour itself isn’t truly opaque and actually looks uneven on my lips. I applied another coating which only made matters worse, it began to crumble right off my lips. To prevent the patchiness and give that opaque effect, I found that I had to apply lip liner all over the lips. Disappointing to say the least.

Even when you’ve applied lip liner beneath, applied the lipstick just once and let it dry it does feel velvety soft, but it’s not Topshop quality velvet, it’s Primark quality velvet. It begins to powder up on the lips and fall off, I even noticed little flecks on my teeth! And if you want to eat or drink? Forget it. I’m thinking of a film here actually… Gone in 60 Seconds. Yep, that’s about right.

Having read countless reviews fawning over how wonderful this stuff is, I thought: ‘Surely it must be me? It must be that my lips are too dry?’ So I even took the extra effort of applying lip balm to give them a bit of added moisture, but that had no effect, and besides I don’t have this problem with any of my other liquid lipsticks.



The pictures above were taken about two minutes after applying a coat of lip liner prior to the lipstick. Within five minutes, it had started powdering…

Priced at £10, this is a rip off. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Buying Topshop’s Velvet lips is like buying an old banger for the price of a brand new Ferrari. It’s not even anywhere near to being in the same league as Stila or Lime Crime. If anything I’d say it’s a bit closer to NYX’s Soft Matte Lip Cream. Though there are four differences: NYX doesn’t flake off, the colour lasts longer, it applies much more evenly and it’s a damn sight cheaper.

Would I repurchase? I think I’d need to be flashed with one of those memory-wiping devices they have in Men In Black to make me consider even looking at this product again.

What do you think?

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  • Anonymous
    October 23, 2013

    Too bad this didn't work out! the shade had potential to be amazing.


  • Unknown
    October 23, 2013

    ahh that's a shame as the colour is totally my colour it's amazing xxxx

  • Unknown
    October 23, 2013

    ahh that's a shame as the colour is totally my colour i love it xxx

  • Unknown
    October 23, 2013

    Ah that's so bad it turns to powder within minutes.
    It looks stunning in both swatch and on the lips as well.
    £10 is most definitely a rip off, although LimeCrime don't offer a purple they are similar in price for a quite clearly better product.
    Topshop really have lost the plot with the pricing of these, even more to put out a product of such poor quality 🙁

    All that aside, your pictures are STUNNING! That make up looks really good on you ^_^

    Juyey xx

  • Sheefa F
    October 23, 2013

    Aww to bad it ain't the best quality coz it looks fab on you 🙂

  • Mish
    October 23, 2013

    Oh god, that's such a shame, especially as it's rare to find purples out there that aren't too pink / brown. The color itself looks beautiful =[ Gutted the quality it awful >.<

  • zara c
    October 23, 2013

    though the images are lovely, this product is something to steer away from. I have not tried any liquid lipsticks before but the product should feel 'comfortable' on the lips. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  • moon
    October 23, 2013

    I think just today (or in few days) MUA will release a similar product and there should be also a purple shade 😀 I am definitely getting it :D:D
    It's a pity this one isn't good, because the colour is divine! 🙂


  • Unknown
    October 25, 2013

    Definitely a case of buy-furious! I'm sticking with Mac's girl about town 🙂 xx

  • LeeLi
    October 25, 2013

    Good colour on you, not surprised to find out that its rubbish quality though!


  • The Style Rawr
    October 25, 2013

    Such a shame it sucks, it's a lovely shade!

    Tara xo

  • KatiesWorld
    October 25, 2013

    I've heard such great things about this and was excited to see it for myself but I already stuffer from dry lips so I dont think it will look to great on me if it just flakes off :/ hate it when a product you really want to like doesn't work out :/

    Katie xx | Katies World

  • Phyrra
    October 25, 2013

    Wow, good to know to skip it.

  • Cee
    October 26, 2013

    What a shame! This colour looks absolutely fabulous on you, but if it doesn't even last five minutes, you might as well have thrown your ten pounds away 🙁 I've always been a little skeptical of Topshop make-up, but it sounds like for the most part it's worth a try – liquid lipstick aside!

  • LaaLaa
    October 27, 2013

    I adore this colour but pfft – gotta be kidding me – doesn't last, not p*****g my pennies down the drain xo

    November 16, 2013

    FIERCE! love this fotd babe you look fierce x

  • Twin Vibes
    November 16, 2013

    The lip color is so cute