
Illamasqua never disappoint, do they? 

I’ve been on the prowl for a lime green eyeshadow for a long, long time and let me tell you, they aren’t easy to come by at all. A cursory glance in the likes of Boots and Superdrug always leaves me underwhelmed, hit by wave upon wave of dull, neutral shades. Don’t get me wrong, they all serve a purpose but we all need a bit of neon every now and then, right?!

Of course, my go-to for something different is always Illamasqua, and when I headed down the escalators towards their counter I had a good feeling. I was right to be positive, because this would be my first encounter with ‘Pivot’.



Pivot is intended to be a yellowy green eyeshadow, and to me those yellow undertones really shine through meaning it looks more like the flesh of a Kiwi or even the Kiwi flavoured Jelly Bean (both equally delicious by the way!)

From the packaging it’s clear Pivot is intended to be matte, which immediately made me a little concerned it might be quite powdery. But when I was swirling my brush in the pan and patting it onto my eyelids I found very little loose powder at all. Another common drawback with matte shadows is the powder tends to make its way into my eyes, but the lack of loose powder floating about meant this wasn’t an issue at all. The final major plus point is the pigmentation, it’s very strong so I found I didn’t need to pack the colour on. I would say that this will increase the life of it, but I know I’ll use it so often it’ll run out before I know it!

I paired this with a Cerise colour from the Sleek Ultra Brights palette (Nope, I still can’t get over this palette). I was a little surprised by quite how well these colours matched up actually, like they were made for each other…



Illamasqua’s Pivot will set you back a cool £15. I know that’s quite steep for an eyeshadow, but in my opinion it’s fully justified because it’s an original and exciting colour of such high quality. There just isn’t anything to match it in either respect out there on the high street.

So go on, be bold! 😉

Are you a brights or a neutral kinda person? 

What do you think?

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  • Unknown
    April 3, 2014

    love this look, your so talented which i could make art on my eyes haha xx

  • Cat Williams
    April 3, 2014

    Your eyes look amazing. I think I'm a little too old to try something so bright now.


  • Anonymous
    April 4, 2014

    This is such a beautiful look.. I've never tried anything brighter on my eyes than a turquoise eyeliner (which I love) but I think this summer might be the perfect time to try out some brights! x

    HOW I WEAR..

  • Expat make up addict
    April 4, 2014

    I just love your style Halima xx

    Stacey Expat Make-Up Addict xx

  • Cee
    April 4, 2014

    I had a shadow almost exactly that colour about ten years ago… I think it was from MAC. It too was matte and shockingly easy to wear. I hadn't thought of it for ages (which is about how long it's been since I've worn coloured eyeshadow) but this look took me right back and made me think maybe, maybe I could experiment…? We'll see 😉 It looks fabulous on you, though.

  • Agata Pokutycka
    April 4, 2014

    Natural but I wish I was brave to wear something bright… maybe one day

  • Agata Pokutycka
    April 4, 2014

    Natural but I wish I was brave to wear something bright… maybe one day

  • Unknown
    April 4, 2014

    wow this is stunning and so are you , gorgeous hun x

  • vicki
    April 4, 2014

    This looks so pretty! I never experiment with bright colours. I always grab my neutral shadows, Loving this though

  • Lucy
    April 4, 2014

    I have to be honest when I read lime eye shadow I thought ekk that is one fashion disaster. But I was clearly wrong, beautiful makeup and look Lucy x

  • Unknown
    April 4, 2014

    Fab – I like what you have done with it – I wouldn't know where to strat with green eyeshadow!


    Follow me too? Oh So Gawjess

  • Yorkshire Tots to Teens
    April 5, 2014

    I would have no idea what to do with kiwi eyeshadow but I would love to try your eye look for a night out! I have trouble enough with liquid eye liner though so I am afraid I wouldn't be able to pull it off.. I need a tutorial!

  • R.ChamberofBeauty
    April 5, 2014

    It looks beautiful <3 You've done a great job Halima!!!

  • Vivi
    April 5, 2014

    I love Illamasqua make up. They have such great quality. I own a blush from them and I only need the tiniest amount (otherwise I would look like a clown haha).
    Great look, it really suits you!

    Vivi xx

  • Unknown
    April 5, 2014

    Love the brights, but I'm pretty bad doing my make up so I always go for neutral tones. But you, you're great doing your make up! ♥

    Lottie | Little Once Upon a Time

  • Mama Undone
    April 6, 2014

    This is the first time I've heard of that make-up brand. Living the tang of fresh bright colour. Pre acid in a good way. Lime and bright pink make a perfect colour marriage.

    Tiaras & Prozac

  • Crissy
    April 6, 2014

    I love this look! You pull off so many colors.. it's awesome!!

  • ghostwritermummy
    April 7, 2014

    Wow! That looks amazing- YOU look amazing. I love that colour too 🙂

  • Colette
    April 7, 2014

    It looks fabulous on you! I've yet to try any Illamasqua products but I will definitely be looking soon x

  • Trudy Danso
    April 7, 2014

    i would not be able to rock this lime eyeshadow but you defitnitely do! Amazing look Halima! x

  • Katie
    April 11, 2014

    You look fabulous lovely! I adore the new blog design too. Looks amazing. Who drew that stunning piece of art?!

    Katie <3