Iridescent Holographic Jacket Primark Fashionicide Editorial Shoot

I know what you’re thinking. She goes away for ages, then comes back with another Primark post, right? Yes, it’s becoming a bit of a habit. That’s not to say I love everything Primark though, because most of the time I leave empty-handed, either because of the massive queues, or because there’s nothing that makes we want to wait in those massive queues.

But this time I knew I wouldn’t be leaving empty handed, unless of course they’d already sold out of the thing I coveted, because Sheenie had told me all about this iridescent sequin jacket that she’d bought, and it looked like it had my name written all over it. As it turns out, it looked even better in the flesh, and I just had to have it. No queue would come between me and my beloved. Nope.
I could describe it for you in great detail, but a picture tells a thousand words, so here’s another three thousand words instead.

Primark Sequin Glitter Iridescent Jacket Fashionicide Fashion Shoot

Iridescent Sequin Primark Jacket
Don’t try this at home kids
Primark Iridescent Sequin Jacket Tumblr Style Shot
On a side note, whisper it quietly, but it feels like I might have been bitten by the blogging bug again. I’m not making any promises, but I actually enjoyed putting this post together. My time’s been consumed by all sorts of things lately, but I can feel those creative juices are starting to flow again, I’m thinking the next one will be about the new ‘do, so consider these shots to be a bit of a cheeky preview.

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1 Comment
  • Sheenie
    August 26, 2018

    Arrrgh! I left a comment yesterday but it seems I didn’t log in to submit it!! Any way! You wear this jacket so well. I’m not sure I can nor am I sure I’ll even wear it – it will probably sit in my wardrobe for all of eternity. You are the mermaid queen! Xxxx