It may not have escaped your notice that the weather over the last few weeks has been absolutely gorgeous! I’d be going out all the time for walks with the boy & with friends. I’d come across a park every now and then and I saw so many people riding around on their bikes. I must admit, I was ridiculously jealous! Oh, how I’d love to have my own bike, to have the freedom to go wherever I wanted without relying on these blasted buses!
In Manchester we have a cycle shop called The Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative. I walked in through the automatic sliding doors and my eyes were instantly swept away by a pastel blue, retro-looking bike. I asked about it, it’s called Poppy, and is made by a company called Pashley. As soon as I sat on it I fell in love. I just had to have it, there and then!
Only problem was Pashley make all their cycles to order, and this little baby was a show model that apparently been around a few of their stores. Hundreds of people had probably sat on it or took it for a test-ride. Damn. After getting over the disappointment of not being able to take my baby home with me that day, I put in my order.
And finally, she arrived today! I also ordered a basket, but that’s still working it’s way towards me…
It may not have escaped your notice that the weather over the last few weeks has been absolutely gorgeous! I’d be going out all the time for walks with the boy & with friends. I’d come across a park every now and then and I saw so many people riding around on their bikes. I must admit, I was ridiculously jealous! Oh, how I’d love to have my own bike, to have the freedom to go wherever I wanted without relying on these blasted buses!
In Manchester we have a cycle shop called The Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative. I walked in through the automatic sliding doors and my eyes were instantly swept away by a pastel blue, retro-looking bike. I asked about it, it’s called Poppy, and is made by a company called Pashley. As soon as I sat on it I fell in love. I just had to have it, there and then!
Only problem was Pashley make all their cycles to order, and this little baby was a show model that apparently been around a few of their stores. Hundreds of people had probably sat on it or took it for a test-ride. Damn. After getting over the disappointment of not being able to take my baby home with me that day, I put in my order.
And finally, she arrived today! I also ordered a basket, but that’s still working it’s way towards me…
Hand Built! Not in 1926 though… I hope
The Back half, obvs!
My not-in-anyway-annoying Bell! Brrrrring Brrrrrring coming through!
In all her glory!
I haven’t rode a bicycle in years so at first I was a bit all over the place! But within half an hour I was riding her down Wilmslow Road alongside all the buses and cars, pretty scary. Especially the buses! We’re quite fortunate here in Manchester, as Wilmslow Road has it’s own cycle lane on both sides of the road!
Now the only problem I have is that I’d love to take her everywhere with me, but I’m petrified of leaving it outside (even with my two massive locks!) for fear of someone vandalising it or stealing parts off it… ARGH! What to do?
Now the only problem I have is that I’d love to take her everywhere with me, but I’m petrified of leaving it outside (even with my two massive locks!) for fear of someone vandalising it or stealing parts off it… ARGH! What to do?
Action Shot!
I had this grin on my face the whole time! Ahhhh, SO happy! 🙂
Well, if you’re ever in Manchester on Wilmslow Road and you see a Pastel Blue flash go by, now you’ll know it’s me! 🙂
May 2, 2011Lol, awh, Look how happy you are! Poppy Is perfect for you Lol.. Proper suits your style! Love it x
May 2, 2011Halima, if anything happens to your bike it will be me stealing it LOL.
You look soooo happy and I don't blame you cos poppy is so beautiful. Alas one day I will have a beaut like that.
Enjoy riding it!
May 2, 2011Gorgeous photos! I love the bike – so vintage! Great form of exercise too xxx Make the most of it especially in this weather x
May 2, 2011AW your bike is SO CUTE! I love it. I love bikes! If youre going on a straight path and nobody is around close your eyes for a few seconds and imagine youre FLYING!! Potential titanic moment there lol
May 2, 2011Love It!!!
Katie @ Mash Potato Moments
May 2, 2011Oooh I love Poppy, she is so beautiful.
You look so happy. I want my very own Poppy.
May 2, 2011Aw my first bike was the exact same colour! 🙂
I rode a bike around Hyde Park today and it was brilliant. I haven't ridden a bike for a good 10years and I forgot how fun it was. If cycling around London wasn't so scary I'd buy one.
Apparently people are less likely to steal girly bikes with baskets so you should be okay 🙂 xx
Dana Ritter
May 3, 2011its so cute! haha. i wish i had a bike like that!
The Dollymix Diaries
May 3, 2011Poppy is beautiful!!Love it
Emma Louise
May 3, 2011ahhhh I love it! I'd love a bike! espcially a pretty blue one like that!
May 3, 2011Aw, its absolutely lovely! Definitely feeling the retro vibe. x
May 4, 2011You look soo gorgeous and that bike is so cute. My brother was borrowing my bike and left it out my back garden and didn't put it in my sellar and the next day it had gone 🙁 xx
May 4, 2011Great blog, new follower!!
May 4, 2011OMG your outfit looks great! That bike is beautiful and the basket is a definite must to seal the deal. =]
May 4, 2011that is beautiful! you're a braver girl than me, i would be terrified of being mown down by a magic bus!! xx
Jodie Melissa
May 5, 2011my little sister is called pashley! :L xxxxxxxxx
May 5, 2011Aah you look so cute on your bike! Love your outfit too! Thanks for your comment, made me happy :))xxx
The Cat Hag
May 5, 2011Your bicycle is so gorgeous, wow!
I love its retro look. ♥
The Cat Hag
Life At Victoria House
May 6, 2011LOVE THIS 🙂
Such a cute little bike! Mines boring!
Thank you for your comment 🙂
Enter my giveaway at http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3
May 8, 2011Oh wow – she looks incredible! You're so lucky!
May 14, 2011The weather got me and the boyf looking at bikes. I mentioned wanting a vintagey style one and he laughed in my face : / it looks so awesome though!
June 5, 2011Loving this bike!!!