I don’t know about you, but poker-straight hair bores me to tears. It may work for other, but for me? Nope.

I, like so many people out there these days, crave that messy, “Out of Bed”, textured look. But I have a not-so-secret weapon. Toni & Guy’s Texture Paste.

In my long search for the perfect product I’ve worked my way through an eclectic mix of styling stuff from V05’s Extreme Style Matt Clay to Wella’s High Hair Punk Chic (also a matt clay). While these two have done a job, they don’t even come close to the brilliance of my hair saviour. Could I live without it? No.

Why is it so good? Well, to begin with, it’s matte. I can’t stand my hair looking greasy, shiny or oily and this product manages to give my hair what can best be described as the opposite: a matte finish, texture and definition. What seals the deal for me is the fact it’s super lightweight, so my hair doesn’t feel bogged down in gunk. It looks exactly how I want it to look.

If, like me, you have fine hair, you’ll find after your first experience with it that you start to believe it’s an absolute godsend. Why? Well your fine hair will all of a sudden begin to appear fuller and thicker.




Grab a pea sized amount of the product, slap it on to your hands and warm it inbetween them ’til you get something a little bit like this:


How flat is my hair here? Ha! Anyway, warm the product between the hands is vital, otherwise you’ll end up with little weird white bits all over your hair.

Once it’s warmed and my hands are covered in the stuff, I scrunch the product into the hair concentrating on areas where I want the lift and volume i.e the roots.


Et Voilà!


FYI: I’m wearing MAC’s Russian Red lipstick. 🙂

I love how this works on my fringe. It really gives it that choppy textured look.

After all this ranting and raving about it, I have to tell you. There’s a downside. A big downside. They don’t make it anymore! Toni & Guy discontinued it back in September last year. Now either I’ve been living under a rock or I’ve had that many back ups that I felt no need to visit the haircare section at Boots. The look on my face after casually strolling in, only to discover that Toni & Guy had a re-vamp and dropped Texture Paste from the range…

On my last pot, I hyperventilated. And scoured the tinternet in desperation. I came across a website called Semichem that had full 75ml tubs of the paste for £3.99. BARGAIN OR WHAT?! Considering it was priced around £7.00 in Boots. I did my usual and over-ordered a little:


What can I say? Haha

What do you think?

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  • Tali
    August 30, 2012

    It used to be in a red tin right? I think this was probably my first ever hair product when I was 15!!!

  • Lima
    August 30, 2012

    I think the wax was in the red tin? That's also been discontinued. Noooooooo!!

  • Jane
    August 30, 2012

    I definitely need to add texture to my hair, after I straighten it, it just look wayyy too flat! Thanks for the post!


  • Tali
    August 30, 2012

    omg whyyyyy?!

  • Lima
    August 30, 2012

    The old range has been re-vamped, lovely! And new products have been bought in, BOOHISS! xo

  • LauraSummer
    August 30, 2012

    My hair is fine too and I hate it straight- in fact my hair straightener has only ever been used for depotting eyeshadows! This looks like a great product, I'm having a bit of a love affair with hair powder to get volume right now though. Your hair looks really healthy and soft by the way x

  • | C AND C | Sarmin
    August 31, 2012

    I hate it when you love a product & they stop making it…Glad you found some though.
    Boo to flat hair! I need something like this.

  • Anna and Klaudia
    August 31, 2012

    great review 🙂 I'm following you now 🙂


  • Unknown
    September 1, 2012

    I'm always looking for good hair stuff, this looks great! Have a wonderful weekend!

    xo Mary Jo

  • HiFashion
    September 1, 2012

    I definitely prefer slightly messy hair to poker straight too. That texture paste looks like it works so well.

  • Amanda
    September 2, 2012

    oh I love your hairstyle!

  • Sabina
    September 3, 2012

    hi halima

    great blog,and i love your style.

    check my blog if you have time



  • jennie
    September 3, 2012

    Your hair is so gorgeous! Really want to try this out! xo

  • beautiful me plus you
    September 4, 2012

    Hate straigt hair too 🙂 love the sound of this little gem.. your hair looks amazing btw.. and I am in love in with your eyebrows 😉 x Marina

  • Luxx Mint
    September 4, 2012

    This sounds great – exactly what I need, such a shame they've discontinued it. Have you tried Bumble and Bumble Texture cream? It sounds quite similar.

    Luxx Mint

  • Unknown
    September 9, 2012

    I love the bed head look sooo have to try this! haha


  • OrigamiGirl
    September 18, 2012

    Your hair is gorgeous! You are totally beautiful.

  • Shabna
    September 21, 2012

    You look SO amazing :O xx

  • Inner Belle
    November 8, 2012

    ooh need to get me a tub to try, will pop down to the boots clearance i think iv seen it there 😉