I don’t know what it is about them, but as time goes by I seem to accumulate all manner of pots and pans of the stuff. But every morning as I go through my daily routine, the ever-growing highlighter section of my makeup drawers remains untouched. I’m really terrible for missing out that all-important highligher step, but since returning from my holiday in Dubai, I’ve had this sudden urge to get using them!
Whenever I travel abroad to sunnier climes I tan like crazy, just half an hour in the sun and I’m already three or four shades darker. On the other hand, when I get back to Britain, the tan usually disappears within half an hour of entering the gloom. So my untouched highlighter drawer offered me some hope in my efforts to cling on to that beautiful holiday tan!
Of all the many products I’ve bought on a whim, and stuffed into that drawer, MAC‘s MSF Gold Deposit has been my go-to highlighter for the past month, and here’s why:
From afar it looks like a Clay Tennis court…
… But up close you can see it’s a coppery bronze shade with a strong metallic hint running through it.
Upon swatching I couldn’t really tell you what colour it actually is. It depends on the lighting, where it can either appear coppery, bronzey or even rusty but heck this stuff has some serious shimmer to it – enough to make me shriek – whilst remaining metallic looking.
MAC describe it as a
‘Soft, reflective Golden-bronze’ but I just don’t see any gold in it and, as I found out, it’s definitely not soft.
I actually bought MAC‘s Gold Deposit MSF years ago so could barely even remember how to apply it properly, so I grabbed my Illamasqua highlighter brush and applied it like I would with any other highlighter – big mistake! Not only is Gold Deposit seriously shimmery, it’s also incredibly pigmented – to the point where it looked like I’d applied a deep shimmery blusher to my cheekbones!
So obviously I wiped that off! Next time round, I took a much lighter, gentler approach and it turned out really well, quite a pleasing result. I wouldn’t say that I was glowing though, oh no. I was positively GLEAMING. And that’s no bad thing. The colour payoff looks a sort of rusty colour, with a finish slightly
less shimmery than I initially thought – which is good – and it didn’t
look metallic either. So if the shimmery metallic-ness worries you, apply a minimal amount to your brush and buff it in.
Usually when you think of highlighters or of glowing skin, you think subtle, but this was most certainly not that! In my opinion, it’s quite flattering on darker skin, where you want a highlighter that’s actually apparent. You don’t want to spend money on a highlighter that doesn’t, y’know, highlight.
Now, I totally get that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but for those of you seeking something a little more obvious in your highlighters, this is definitely for you. Just look at how photogenic the actual product is, like a sepia-toned mini-Jupiter! I’ve never actually blogged about a highlighter before, because I’ve found that no matter how strong it is on my cheeks, it just doesn’t translate into photography that well at all – it’s almost always invisible. This is probably the first highlighter I’ve ever photographed where the pictures represent reality!
In summary then, I’d strongly recommend this highlighter for ladies either with slightly darker skin or with an inclination for stronger, bolder highlights on the cheeks. If you want something subtle and cutesy, you’re probably better off buying a teddy bear.
You’ll have probably noticed that in half of the photos, something else is vying for a share of the limelight with
MSF Gold Deposit – and I don’t mean the hair either! No, I bought this pair of stunning earrings from
HiddenxTreasure, a new jewellery venture from the ever-lovely Gail at
The Equinox Fashion. Would you believe they set me back just £4?!
April 16, 2015Super stunning! That MSF is definitely going on my wish list! #HurryUpPayday!! Xx
Lilinha Angel
April 16, 2015Gorgeous highlighter, and I love your earrings too. The whole look is gorgeous! x
April 16, 2015Sounds like another amazing MAC product! I wish I could afford to go out and buy it! I love your hair and makeup 🙂
Laura x x x
Sarcasm and Style.
April 16, 2015I love that Mac item. Sometimes their things don't work too well with my skin, but I love the highkighters and cream blushes! Xx
April 17, 2015Adore your makeup and this highlight really compliments your skin tone x
April 17, 2015Oh wow how amazing is your makeup?! You look incredible! X
April 17, 2015Oooh now that is one beautiful product! I know exactly what you mean about highlighters just not showing up on my skin.. I tan super quickly too, so this would be perfect for my summer skin tone. Another one to add to the MAC wishlist! x
HOW I WEAR | A Manchester Style & Beauty Blog
April 17, 2015Absolutely beautiful, I love how this highlighter looks x
April 17, 2015Stunning earrings!
It took me a while to get into highlighters but now I can't get enough. My fave are the slightly pink toned ones x
April 17, 2015Oh my goodness your makeup is actually incredible! I am as pale as you get so this highlighter is more like a bronzer to me. But it looks absolutely fab on you!
April 22, 2015You look gorgeous. This highlight looks lovely on you and i agree this higlighter will look beautiful on darker skin tones.
The Makeup League
April 22, 2015I've used MAC MSF highlighters for such a lognt ime; they are always beautiful! Haven't tried this one as I'm so pale – but it looks AMAZING on you! 🙂
Jemma xx
Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie
April 27, 2015Really cool! I'm glad I get to see it on you bc I prob would be a bit concerned on how it looked just from the case. Looks great. Love your artistic approach.
Collage Me Pretty
April 27, 2015This makeup look is amazing, i wish i could be as creative with colours as you!
Emma at http://www.collagemepretty.blogspot.co.uk
April 30, 2015I havent touced my gold deposit inmonths need to show it some love once again :p
I love your complexion so radiant such stunning makeup too you beauty queen xx