
I’m really digging all of these new Indie makeup brands that have been popping up all over Instagram of late. I think it’s good for the consumer when you’ve got a whole raft of disruptive, inventive companies challenging the usual suspects to up their game, otherwise the big brands get sucked into complacency, and we all suffer the consequences.
Currently, those Liquid Lipsticks are all the rage, the ones that the ever-controversial Lime Crime are so famous for. The problem is, I don’t feel that I can trust ordering from Lime Crime directly again, after the whole ‘hacking’ saga. The owner just doesn’t inspire any confidence in me, so until they start wholesaling to the UK again, I’m out.

This is really bad news though, because even though the company and it’s owner come across so negatively, the Liquid Lipsticks are f**king amazing. There is light at the end of this particular tunnel though, as more and more brands are challenging Lime Crime on the Liquid Lipstick front – Sephora did it, even MUA did it – and yes, I unashamedly own every single one of their shades!
And this brings me on to LA Splash. I stumbled across them whilst browsing through the labyrynth that is Instagram. The photos up on their IG show just how incredibly matte their Liquid Lipsticks were, and you know what I always say: “The matter, the better*”. 
*I have never said this
I love matte lipsticks because they look so elegant, but also because they give you that degree of comfort that they won’t make their way from the lips to half-way down the chin at any point during the day. You just don’t get that from glossy lipsticks, it’s like putting your arch-nemesis on your lips really, always watching what they’re doing, ready to pounce at any moment.

LA Splash claim that their Lip Couture line is both waterproof and transferproof, but these words contain literally no meaning for me any longer, as I’ve heard it all before! I picked up ‘Ghoulish’, which is one of these strange looking nude lipsticks that are currently taking the alternative beauty community by storm (think Lime Crime‘s Cashmere), ‘Vindictive’, a bluey-grey mixture, ‘Sirius’, a deep navy blue that reminds me of Harry Potter, and ‘Hidden Desires’, what I truly hoped would turn out to be a dupe of the popular Lime Crime ‘Airbourne Unicorn’.

 LA Splash Lip Couture in ‘Hidden Desires’

When the package first arrived, I took one fleeting look at ‘Hidden Desires’ and thought I could be on to that dupe, but alas – placing them side by side, it’s clear that ‘Airbourne Unicorn’ isn’t quite as bold and rich as this. No matter though, because actually ‘Hidden Desires’ holds up all on it’s own. It’s my kind of shade, a complicated colour – not quite pink, not quite purple – for a complicated person like me!



Left – LA Splash in ‘Hidden Desires’. Right – Lime Crime in ‘Airbourne Unicorn’

I’m a huge fan of Lime Crime‘s ‘Airbourne Unicorn’, and to find a matter dupe of this would have been like something out of a dream. I love the perfect concoction of purple and pink, leaning slightly towards a lilac shade. Sadly though, ‘Hidden Desires’ comes close, but definitely leans more towards the pinky side, leaving it looking more magenta.

Nevertheless, the colour is just S T U N N I N G


The formula is also spot on, it’s a rich liquid lipstick, like thick double cream that applies so smoothly on to the lips, and wow – I was blown away by how opaque it looked. I felt like I’d entered into a weird Dulux advert, where they’d painted my lips this intense shade. Back to reality though, and you’ll find that the formula dries within seconds to a matte finish.

At the first time of applying, it did feel just a little too dry on the lips, it didn’t feel uncomfortable, just… dry? To rectify this, I applied my Blistex Relief Cream the next day just before application and that prevented my lips feeling pruney.

The longevity of this stuff is fantastic. I couldn’t believe just how well it held up throughout the working day, without the need of a touch up at any point. Better still, I’d had my morning coffee, lunch and several glasses of water and there was none of that fading on the inner lower lip that so drives us lipstick addicts mad! On top of that, it doesn’t flake off throughout the day either.

The idea for this post was to create a simple eye makeup look to let ‘Hidden Desires‘ take centre stage, but once I started, my hands just took control! I went for a pastelly oceanic look on the eyes.



On the lids I packed on Sephora‘s Colorful Eyeshadow in ‘Pool Party’, Sugarpill‘s ‘Mochi’ as the extended turquoise liner and some random purple in the crease for that subtle crease colour.

Et voila!


But back to LA Splash Cosmetics, and I have to say I’m impressed. Seriously impressed. I’m even going to have to go as far as to say that they are hands-down the best Liquid Lipsticks I’ve ever tried, and as anyone who’s ever tried out the Lime Crime version, you’ll know that’s no mean feat. Lime Crime are definitely going to have to up their game to compete with this kind of quality.

I bought mine directly from the LA Splash website in the US and I wasn’t custom charged. YAY! That always feels like a bit of a lottery though, so I kept looking around and found the’yre now being stocked at Cocktail Cosmetics for £9.95 per lipsitck, which compares quite favourably to the states, plus you’re guaranteed not to pay Custom charges (if you live in the UK!) – I definitely feel another order coming soon! 

Now I want to hear from you – tell me about all the wonderful Indie brands you’ve been trying out lately, do any compare to the more established brands? Share the love!

What do you think?

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