
About a week ago, I was scrolling through my Instagram timeline when I noticed an unusual photo pop up from Illamasqua. It turned out they’d actually posted a couple of similar makeup looks using a product they were about to launch, and I loved them! They were both glossy, but at the same time a bit warped and distorted. They really stood out because they weren’t the typical structured look you tend to see on Instagram.
Obviously such a look garnered a mixed response, some people hated, others loved. I found myself in the latter camp. The effect looked different, and that’s what makeup is all about for me. Creating something a little different, a little edgy.

So naturally I visited the local Illamasqua counter in Selfridges Manchester and was told it was only available online or in London/Leeds/Liverpool. G U T T E D. No matter though, I hurtled straight for home and purchased immediately!
Upon arrival, I tore open the package as per usual but luckily I didn’t actually tear open the box it came in. It felt a little regal, a slightly oversized box containing this small little flat pot surrounded by shredded black card. The box itself folds out in an almost origami-style way to reveal a photo beneath, which is kind of cute! I had to wait until the weekend before I could have a play, people at work would probably have a heart attack if I came in with one of my eye makeup looks!

Anyway, what’s this product called? It’s The Corrupter, and the name is very appropriate I think. Here’s how the lovely folks at Illamasqua describe it: “A transparent gel designed to create a disrupted effect when applied over make-up. Corruptor readjusts the movement of product by constructing shattered, blurred and distorted looks.”
I can actually see this product causing me and countless others all sorts of dilemmas! After creating a beautiful makeup look, you’ll be faced with a choice: DO I CORRUPT IT? Unfortunately there’s no CTRL+Z in real life, so you’re gonna have to nail it every time!
But of course, since I’d been waiting all bloody week to try it out, there was no chance I was going to pass up the opportunity this weekend. I did my eye makeup, a wash of black over my eyelids and lash line, aqua eyeshadow in the crease before applying my newly-beloved Jeffree Star Breakfast at Tiffany’s Liquid Lipstick as the eyeliner. Now that I’m doing the write up, I’m literally kicking myself for not photographing the look pre-Corruptor. But I guess it’s an excuse to blog about it again… 😉

I must confess though, the look was so freaking awesome I was getting cold feet about applying the Corruptor. But I overcame those nerves and just fucking did it. I dipped my eyeshadow brush in the pot and applied Corruptor to the outer corners and stroked it towards my winged liner. I winced as I noticed it warping my liner, applied to perfection. The gel moved the product on my eyelid and created that disrupted effect. Then I began stroking outward from where I’d placed the black eyeshadow to give a glossy look to the eyelid, and break up the intensity of the black shadow.
I left the undereyes completely untouched, and I think the end result looks pretty amazing. In my opinion, the Corruptor has not so much distorted my original look, but it has blurred the intense lines between aqua and black quite nicely, it doesn’t look so clean cut and chiselled. I found that the makeup stayed put after 5 or 6 hours in the Corrupted areas, but the glossiness had begun to fade a little bit.
I think it’s a welcome addition to the toolkit of the genuine makeup artist. Not every look will turn out great with Corruptor, but with practice and patience I’m sure some edgy, creative looks can be achieved. Whilst I like the look I’ve created today, I’m looking forward to getting a bit more familiar with the product and Corrupting a few more looks in the near future.

Urban Decay Naked Skin Liquid Makeup in 6.0
NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer in Ginger
Laura Mercier Mineral Powder in Classic Beige

Illamasqua Brow Cake in Thunder 

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Milk 
MAC e/s in Carbon 
MAC e/s in Aquadisiac
Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick in Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Lime Crime Glitter Helper
Lime Crime Zodiac Glitter in Virgo
Rimmel Soft Kohl Kajal Eye Pencil in Jet Black 
L’Oreal False Lash Sculpt Mascara
Lime Crime Velvetines in Utopia 
I also feel the need to report that I purchased all of the Lime Crime Zodiac Glitter range, and I’m not even sorry. It’s ridiculously good. I patted their Virgo glitter on to the inner corner with the able assistance of their Glitter Helper. I can’t tell you just how much I love this product by the way, too much! I didn’t really expect the glitter to turn out quite so purple, as it looks white with iridescent particles in the pot, but wow doesn’t it look great?
All in all, I am hugely impressed with Illamasqua‘s Corruptor. I think it’s inventive, it’s innovative and really adds a new dimension to your makeup looks. If you’re beginning to tire of the standard winged eyeliner look, I recommend giving this a try, to give your stock makeup looks a bit of an edge.

It will set you back a cool £20 though, which seems a little pricey, but after using it on this one look I’m convinced it will last you ages. Only a small little drop was required to create the distorted effect, so I fully expect to have this same pot this time next year. Unless I lose it!

What do you think?

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  • kariss
    February 28, 2016

    I've been eyeing this up myself, but wasn't sure how I'd use it/. It's an interesting product.


  • Unknown
    February 28, 2016

    Ooh not sure this is for me but you look amazing and those colours are perfect!!

  • Unknown
    February 28, 2016

    Your makeup is always to die for, so much prettiness. I love the colours included in the look and this product looks top notch!

  • Lima
    February 28, 2016

    Sometimes it's better not to plan it out, just go with it! x

  • Unknown
    February 29, 2016

    I wish I had patience to do my eye make up this intricately xxx

  • MissPond
    February 29, 2016

    As usual your make up is amazing! I don't think I'd ever use such a product personally though 🙂

  • Phyrra
    March 1, 2016

    Your look is so amazing!

  • zara c
    March 1, 2016

    As usual… your make up looks are amazin! Keep it up Lima! <3

  • KayleighKMUA
    March 2, 2016

    U R just goals man! You sold me on this!

  • madforbeauty
    March 2, 2016

    This makeup is so bold, I'm obsessed! Amazing job 🙂

  • Unknown
    March 27, 2016

    Oh my god your makeup is gorgeous! I wish I could pull off something like this xx

  • With love Jamie
    March 27, 2016

    Great review! these products looks great and sounds amazing! I would love to try these:) Thanks for sharing 🙂
    xx Jamie | With Love, Jamie