
Hi hi hi!

Hasn’t Ramadhan just flown by this year? I guess we say that every year though, time marches on endlessly and if you look away for just a fleeting moment, you’ll find days or weeks have passed without you realising. Perhaps the delerium of working in a non-AC building in 30C temperatures without food or water for 18 hours each day played its part, but at times I felt like I was that car in the music video for Snow Patrol’s ‘Open Your Eyes’ – drifting around at high speed in a bit of a daze!

Still, I was sad to see Ramadhan end. Those of you who aren’t Muslim might wonder why on earth we’d be sad to see it end, but to find out the answer to that question all you have to do is spend a day fasting with a Muslim family and you’ll see why – the atmosphere is just so special. 
Last year pretty much all Muslims celebrated Eid, or the end of Ramadhan, on the same day. This might not seem like a big deal but believe me it rarely happens. This year there was a bit of a split, as Saudi declared they had sighted the new moon, when all the science indicated it was most likely only possible to see it in South America. Other countries, like Oman and Pakistan didn’t sight it until the next night so we were split a little. Either way, Eid had arrived! 🙂
Usually in the UK we find out about the end of Ramadhan a few hours ahead of time, so this usually prompts every Muslim in Britain to go out and do some last minute Eid shopping – at the same time. Groceries for the big meal, sweets for desserts, toilet paper for the aftermath, presents for relatives that announced a last-minute visit, guys getting their trademark ‘no back and sides’ at the barbers, renting out fast cars, girls getting in some last minute eyebrow threading or facials or even a new outfit…

This year though, I made the (slightly) controversial decision to not buy a new outfit. Ok, be honest. How many of you just spat out your coffee in shock? Seriously though, I own way too many clothes and I’d been thinking this Ramadhan how we all go out shopping for a brand new Eid outfit every single year. I didn’t want another disposable Indian outfit that would only ever be left to gather dust afterwards.
So this year I paired last year’s Eid Ul-Fitr top from my Sari (known as a Choli) and paired it with my new favorite laced dip hem skirt from Forever21. Beneath the Choli, I wore a lace sleeved top all wrapped up with a gold studded belt. I think the outfit sums me up pretty well actually – bright, fun and a mixture of Eastern and Western influences.

That’s quite important for me actually, as I often get asked what ethnicity I am or ‘Where are you from?’ I guess if you’re not from a minority background you may not understand exactly how frustrating that can be sometimes, it’s almost as if it’s a qualifying question that will determine the nature of any future interactions whether that be with Asian or White people. Me? I’m Indian, but ‘home’ is Britain and being both Indian and British can be a challenge. 

I love both Western and Eastern clothing. I love my skirts, vests and dresses but I also love my Saris, Bindis, Mehndi and even the occasional Kameez but often we stick to just one or the other, why can’t we have both? Yesterday, I had my cake and ate it (in more ways than one!)

Turquoise and Blue Silver Embellished Choli – Karol Bagh Market, New Delhi
Blacked Lace Dip Hem Skirt – Forever21
3/4 Sleeved Black Lace Top –  Topshop
Gold Medallion Hand Harness – Topshop
I bought the Hand-Harness last year and every time I look at it, I think how it looks like it’s a chunk from a Belly Dancer’s belt, ha! 

As for the outfit, I was a little surprised at just how well these two cultures fused together. I’ve definitely found a new use for the rest of my Cholis. Whatever this path I’m on is, It’s totally new. And I like it.

Until next time..

What do you think?

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  • That Girl; Saadiya
    August 9, 2013

    Halima you look absolutely stunning!! I love your Eid outfit and loving your nails too!
    Ah I know what you mean about getting asked where you are from and I always get the 'but you don't really act Nigerian' from my fellow Nigerians haha.
    Eid Mubarak 🙂
    Saadiya x


  • Lima
    August 9, 2013

    Thank God I ain't the only one that finds it annoying. I've now resorted to throwing out any ethnicity when asked that question, it keeps their mouth shut (for the goodness of mankind!).


  • Lima
    August 9, 2013

    & Kher Mubarak my love! Hope you had a lovely day. 🙂

  • LaaLaa
    August 9, 2013

    bahaha, I thought it was a dress *shame face* well looks like one, so sticking to it. So GORGEOUS. I want some henna now (oh here's the I wants coming)

    And there's the 4am nails 😉 glitter goop, funky.

    Oh that ethnicity Q. I get it all the time but they always follow it up with, 'are you asian?' , ' are you hispanic?' …Mmm I'm just me.

    Love you xoxo

  • Lima
    August 9, 2013

    Oh aye, you need henna in your life. Test it out, if you like the look of the patterns, get it tattoo'd 😉

    I love our 4am conversations <3 Chatting absolute tripe. Praise the lord the camera didn't pick up on the gloop *cackles*

    Next time tell them you're from the North Pole and that you are an escapee from Santa's sweat shop, ha!



  • Unknown
    August 10, 2013

    I love everything about this outfit!! It goes together so well 🙂

    Sweet blog, would you like to follow each other?

    Sophisticated Lace

  • Lima
    August 10, 2013

    Thank you.

    I don't do follow for a follow. I will follow your blog if I like it. Taaaa!

  • LeeLi
    August 10, 2013

    I love mixing my western and eastern clothes! This year I got my sis to sew me two dresses since I rarely wear traditional clothes 😀 hope you had a lovely Eid x


  • Afrin ♡
    August 10, 2013

    Eid Mubarak 🙂 and i definitely done some last min eid shopping clothes, eyebrows, henna the whole lot haha, love the outfit you look lovely! New follower xx


  • cowbiscuits
    August 10, 2013

    You look amazing! I'm glad you enjoyed Eid, there were alot of parties around here I even saw some guy puking in the street shouting "EID!!!' and asking where a pool hole was.

  • Unknown
    August 10, 2013

    Very cute outfit. Love the henna! ^_^ and love your new layout!! x
    Maria xx

  • Sheefa F
    August 10, 2013

    This is the most innovative Eid outfit I've ever seen. It could only be you who can pull this off 🙂

  • Unknown
    August 10, 2013

    I LOVE it.
    You look gorgeous 🙂

  • Unknown
    August 10, 2013

    Eid Mubarak! 🙂
    I love the colours of your outfit. Really pretty 🙂
    I get the ethnicity question a lot too! haha!
    I always get the 'you don't look Pakistani though?!' Oh well. What can ya do right?
    Makeup is beautiful as always 🙂

    hareem x

  • Unknown
    August 10, 2013

    Wow love the outfit. Love how original and creative you are. Hope you had a lovely Eid 🙂
    I recently started my own blog, pls check it out if you can

    August 10, 2013

    awWW you look hot! hope you had a lovely eid 😉 xx

  • Expat make up addict
    August 10, 2013

    Love your style Halima! Hope you've had a great Eid xx

  • *~mad munky~*
    August 10, 2013

    Lovely combo! 🙂

  • *~mad munky~*
    August 10, 2013

    Fab combo! 🙂 really like the hand harness too – I got one as a birthday prezzie but it hasn't seen the light of day yet!!

    Hope you had a lovely eid 🙂 x

  • Gemma Etc.
    August 11, 2013

    Wow I soooo love and admire your style Halima! You look stunning with the makeup you're wearing, and the henna looks lovely on your skin. Your hair is lushhhh too 😀 xxx

    Gemma | ♥ Miss Makeup Magpie ♥

  • Natasha Gregson
    August 11, 2013

    I love that you mix styles from the east and west and I adore this look, especially the bright colours 🙂

  • Lima
    August 11, 2013

    Thank you petal!


  • Lima
    August 11, 2013


    Thank you, Shifa! I'll now be mixing up my Asian clober with the rest of my wardrobes.


  • Lima
    August 11, 2013

    Thanks, Maria! The new header was created by the super talented Leeli from http://littleleeli.blogspot.co.uk/


  • Lima
    August 11, 2013

    LOOOOOL. This made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. Bet he had a sore head the next morning.

    & thank you m'love.


  • Lima
    August 11, 2013

    Thank you m'dear! Kher Mubarak. Hope you had a lovely Eid.

    Can't remember the last time I got my eyebrows threaded, ha!


  • Lima
    August 11, 2013

    I've just seen your Eid outfits, they look incredible! WELL JEL.


  • allthatslap
    August 11, 2013

    This is fab – such a fun mix of west and east. I love it – you look gorgeous. I know its late but Eid Mubarak lovely xxx

  • OrigamiGirl
    August 12, 2013

    I think you utterly amazing. I love the mix of styles, you totally own it. 😉
    Thanks for your comment on my blog, I'm thinking that soon I will try and do some photos of all my minifigures in one shot, like they are posing for one of those all-school photos!

  • Unknown
    August 12, 2013

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog Halima! Ramadhan seems like such a lovely tradition (didn't know a great deal about it until reading your post) sounds like you had an ace celebration and I love your outfit!
    I've always thought Sari's are beautiful and glamorous; love your styling on this outfit!
    Followed you on gfc and bloglovin and look forward to reading your future posts:)
    Alex x

  • BethanyxAlice
    August 13, 2013

    I've followed you on Instagram for the longest time, and had no idea you owned a blog!
    Your make-up here is absolutely amazing, and I love the way your top matches your hair…
    bethanyxalice.blogspot.com xxx

  • Karla Do More
    August 17, 2013

    I have no idea how I ended up here but I love your blog already!!! I love your outfit, your nails, your makeup and YOUR HAIR!!!!! Definitely your newest follower!!!

    I hope you'll share this at "That's my Style" Link Party TOMORROW!!! I would love to see you there. 🙂

    Karla @ http://www.MySerendipitousLife.com

  • Unknown
    August 18, 2013

    this is seriously amazing! Love how you've combined the two garments, making them both look amazing! That top is a `retty amazing item! xx

  • Betsy Boat
    August 19, 2013

    What a lovely post! It's so interesting to find these personal posts nestled between others! You looked great! I love the mix of the clothing!

    New follower!