It must be a few months ago now when I first heard about Makeup Revolution, and as soon as I did I went on a bit of a mass haulage – £20 for two palettes, eight lipsticks and eyeshadows. Not bad eh?!
Out of pure excitement I raced to put up a haul post featuring just one, rather hastily assembled look. Since then I’ve been testing these out to the max so thought I should really give an update! It’s all very well and good doing an excitable haul post after just a day, but will I still like them after a couple of months, or will the novelty factor just wear off?
The look I’ve featured today is the typical ‘Peacock‘ eye look, with some bright yellow lipstick thrown in for good measure!
‘Scandalous Felony’
This is a bright yellow, kinda reminds me of the taxis you see in NYC!
Upon swatching, I realised Scandalous Felony was quite sheer, very glossy.
I must admit that whilst I was excited at the range of colours, I was a bit worried that Makeup Revolution would end up being the make-up version of ‘American Apparel‘ – plenty of colours all neatly arranged that look good in the shop but are either just dull or uninspiring when you take it home.
As it turns out though, the lipstick surprisingly suited me and certainly isn’t dull! Upon applying it to the lips it doesn’t take very well at all, looking incredibly sheer. To make it work I painted the lipstick on with a lip brush, just apply it in gentle strokes and it will saturate the lips quickly. Get in!
For the peacock eyes, I used the ‘Matte Brights’ palette.
Colour explosion right there!
In the pan, these colours look intense and explosive – the only comparison I can think of is when you see freshly ground spices at a market somewhere in India or Turkey – however upon application they’re quite soft, just adding a nice wash to the eyelids. That’s not what I was looking for though, I wanted full-on colour and the only way to achieve that was to pack it on with the right brush.
I was pleasantly surprised at how well the yellow worked on my inner corner! When it comes to that area, I find it’s best not to apply primer to it. That way you can pack on the shadow to your heart’s content!
Smug face!
What do you reckon?
Going a bit off-topic here, I find it funny that when I first started up the blog I was so ‘safe’ with my make up and my looks. I was reluctant to experiment with brighter and bolder colours and lipsticks for fear it wouldn’t suit my Asian skintone. Fast forward a couple of years and it clicked that skin tone is irrelevant, it’s your attitude towards yourself that matters. If you want it, go get it, girl! Now, it’s got to the point where folks assume I’m going to a funeral or something if I wear ‘neutral’ makeup, ha!
June 12, 2014Omgosh, you look incredible. I looove this look! I wish you could come to my makeup. 😉
Tara x
June 12, 2014OMG so beautiful! I love the yellow lips.. the bright colors really suit you! It's really all about the attitude and owning it. 😀
June 12, 2014crap!
Uma Mageswari Preve
June 13, 2014Wow, I am so impressed with that palette. The colour pay off is great… You look gorgeous!
June 13, 2014So damn gorgeous! i swear no one else I know in real life could pull of that look! You look like a goddess!
Love Leah
June 13, 2014Love this! I didn't think anyone could carry off yellow lips but you've proved me wrong. You look amazing. x x
June 15, 2014Wow, the yellow lipstick looks amazing on you. Really suits you. I so wish I could pull that off. Popping over from http://www.mummy2monkeys.co.uk
June 15, 2014The make up looks so good on you Halima. Very impresive, I think you should do make up for model sessions. You look really nice.
June 16, 2014You look beautiful lovely! I wish I had the confidence to go out like this! Maybe I should start experimenting with my bright colour palettes again. I used to be obsessed when I was younger!
Katie <3
June 16, 2014I'm going to have to try the lipsticks with a brush next time I try them, I swiped them on from the tube and wasn't ecstatic with the pay off. I think this look suits you to a tee – matches your hair at the time too! I still need to open this palette xo
Mummy m
June 16, 2014Wow, I am loving the colours… you are very true that the skin tone doesn't matter with the colours…. im just boring with my make up as wouldn't know where to start.. I just stick with eyeliner and mascara, but think I definitely need colour… ps loving the hair!!
June 17, 2014I love the bright colours, they look amazing. I never thought yellow lipstick could look so good! I still need to purchase some things from make-up revolution. Lovely blog post 🙂 xo
Sylvia :)
June 20, 2014OMG you are actually uber gorgeous. I love this lipstick on you, you wear it so effortlessly… Also I love your brown eyes, SO BEAUTIFUL! They look like they're lit from within!
June 24, 2014Like your face? XD