*Macy Tropical Print Pom Pom Shorts – Lily Lulu Fashion // Silk Emerald Button Tee – Topshop // Long Black Split Kimono – H&M Divided // Long White & Teal Feather Earring – Dusty Diamonds // Silver SOMEWHERE Pointed Heels – ASOS // Transparent Retro Pink Mirrored Round Sunglasses – NEW LOOK
I’m definitely not a shorts kinda girl. Weirdly, I
tend to wear shorts in winter and it’s usually the kind that is made
with velvet fabric aimed at keeping me warm. But there’s a first time for everything right? And with it being blazing hot in Manchester today, there’s no time like the present!
tend to wear shorts in winter and it’s usually the kind that is made
with velvet fabric aimed at keeping me warm. But there’s a first time for everything right? And with it being blazing hot in Manchester today, there’s no time like the present!
What makes these so easy to wear is the print, how can anyone resist tropical prints? Just sit back, close your eyes, sip on an ice cold lilt (or rubicon) and imagine you’re in the Caribbean! And I actually like the cut of the shorts too, they’re not unbearably short so your arse doesn’t hang out the back of them. Win!
I tucked my emerald silk top, which funnily enough I used to wear to work quite often, into the shorts. The top does have a bit of a ‘formal’ look to it, however it’s easily dressed down with a cool pair of shorts. The final touch was of course my trusty ‘mono.
Wearing clothes like this though poses problems and prompts a bit of soul-searching on the part of the wearer. We went for a nice stroll in the sunshine, as you do, but I was attracting some unwanted attention as I was basking in the sunshine while t’other half went in to a shop. This older, burly, sweaty guy walked past me, winked and said: “Cor, I’d slip a cock in you.”
In the heat of the moment I thought ‘Who the fuck do you think you are? What makes you think you’ve got a chance? What makes you think I care what you think? You think I actively seek out this kind of attention?”
But a few moments later the soul-searching began and I started to wonder whether I was ‘asking for it’ with my choice of clothes, I started to wonder if the guy was ‘only trying to give me a compliment in his own funny way’ and whether I had over-reacted or actually deserved that kind of presumptuous comment. And this is what Male Entitlement does to women. I felt pretty uncomfortable in that situation, through no fault of my own, but social norms actually make me feel like I was the one in the wrong.
But really, I was stood there minding my own business, taking in some sun. I don’t deserve that and neither does any other woman. I wear clothes because I like them, because they make me feel good and because they just look great. I don’t wear them for anyone else’s benefit and the sooner men realise that this is how most women think, the better.
*PR Sample
June 22, 2014I'm not surprised that man accosted you cos you look amazing and you have great legs! You're right though, do men actually think women appreciate comments like that?? Ugh.
Courtney from Two Looks, One London | A Personal Style Blog .x.
Colour Queen
June 22, 2014Gosh! I can't believe the nerve of that old man! I think you look amazing! I actually don't think you look inappropriate or anything. Your young with a beautiful figure and its the Summer! Lots of people are wearing shorts! If you were wearing a low cut top with boobs hanging out then that would be different. I love how you've put the whole ensemble together, even the silver heels work well with the other colours. This is actually my favourite look of yours so far! (O dear, doesn't say much for the blokes in Manchester!)
June 22, 2014It seems that some men DO think that! Perhaps they don't realise that most women are strong enough that they don't need male approval! PAH!
June 22, 2014Urgh! What a repulsive excuse of a man. Come to London quickly, my darling! You don't get that happening here. Love the outfit – wish I could pull it off.
Rebecca Smith
June 22, 2014You look incredible – you can really pull those shorts off with such a beautiful figure. What a disgusting man though, he had no right to talk to you like that!x
June 23, 2014I love this print and the pom poms. The shoes are super amazing and perfect. I want them!
June 23, 2014Stunning, definitely in love with those shorts. They definitely have a tropical / festival feel to them and the pom poms on them make them that much more different.
That man is a wanker. Nobody asks for it, we should be able to wear whatever we want without a man thinking he has any sort of entitlement. The really show their colours with their foul mouths towards women.
BTW what is written on your arm? XO
June 23, 2014Geez, what a D-Bag! You look beautiful here and I really like those shorts but I would've been disgusted if anyone spoke to me like that! You certainly were not asking for it.
Tara x
June 23, 2014These are so bright and fun – you look fantastic!
Follow me too? Oh So Gawjess
June 23, 2014Very cute outfit and your hair is so amazing!
That comment was definitely disgusting. x__x I'm one of those believe that you can be naked and still not be asking for it. The body is way over sexualized. Just because you see something you like doesn't mean you are entitled to it (or to say grody things~)
Sisley White
June 24, 2014Your outfit is fab and you look gorgeous. Some men are just nasty! Don't listen to them and enjoy what you wear 🙂
June 24, 2014You look amazing. I especially love the pom pom shorts! And your hair is gorgeous – I keep wanting to go candy-floss pink, but I need some courage, heehee xx
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy
June 24, 2014How awful about that man! I love the shorts though – they look great.
June 25, 2014I love the shorts, and your hair is amazing!
Trudy Danso
June 30, 2014I havent seen your new hair color(s) and wow it looks stunnin on you! I really love how you embrace items and make it your own. I really adore those shorts!!
June 30, 2014The pom pom shorts are quite possibly the most adorable things! I love them!
And I have to say you certainly were not "asking for it", his comment was completely and utterly inappropriate. Women questioning whether they were asking for it is exactly the reason we have such a horrific national view on rape culture in this country. Men and they way they've been raised are ultimately the problem, we need to find a way to nip female objectification in the bud at a young age in my opinion! X
justrach.com xo
July 8, 2014You always just look so incredibly cool! Also, your legs are to-die-for!
Katie <3