Ok, first up, let me just give you advance notice that there’ll be no hoverboards or crazy time travelling scientists in this post. Sorry. 😛
As my regular readers
will know, I gave up the ghost on blogging a couple of months ago.
For me, it was something that had served its purpose and there was
nothing left for me to gain from continuing. It was my own personal
journal, and I take pride in the fact you can see how I’ve progressed
over the 5 or so years it’s been running.
As my regular readers
will know, I gave up the ghost on blogging a couple of months ago.
For me, it was something that had served its purpose and there was
nothing left for me to gain from continuing. It was my own personal
journal, and I take pride in the fact you can see how I’ve progressed
over the 5 or so years it’s been running.
And the blogging world
changed over those 5 years too, new bloggers came flooding in and not
always with the same goals as me. I felt like I had to post more and
more regularly in order to keep up, but I just couldn’t find the time
or desire. That was one reason for deciding to leave but the other
was to do with the bloggers themselves.
changed over those 5 years too, new bloggers came flooding in and not
always with the same goals as me. I felt like I had to post more and
more regularly in order to keep up, but I just couldn’t find the time
or desire. That was one reason for deciding to leave but the other
was to do with the bloggers themselves.
I was seeing so many of
them complain about the PRs, complain of how a certain company
wouldn’t send them samples, complain about not being invited to
events, complain about other ‘less deserving’ bloggers being given
more opportunities than them and even some complaining about seeing
bloggers complain! I began to wonder where this sense of entitlement
came from, where this superiority complex had came from? It disgusted
me, because this isn’t what blogging should be about.
them complain about the PRs, complain of how a certain company
wouldn’t send them samples, complain about not being invited to
events, complain about other ‘less deserving’ bloggers being given
more opportunities than them and even some complaining about seeing
bloggers complain! I began to wonder where this sense of entitlement
came from, where this superiority complex had came from? It disgusted
me, because this isn’t what blogging should be about.
Sure we are entitled to
be disappointed about not receiving a sample or an invite, but to act
like you’re the fucking Queen and not been invited to your own
tea-party? I didn’t have time for that. The whole ‘Blogger Politics’,
or ‘Bloggertics’ as I’m christening it, has become more complex and
more pathetic during this time and it was making me feel a bit uneasy
– at times it seemed like a witch hunt! SO MUCH DRAMZ. Real life
can be a challenge as it is, so why invent another one for yourself?
be disappointed about not receiving a sample or an invite, but to act
like you’re the fucking Queen and not been invited to your own
tea-party? I didn’t have time for that. The whole ‘Blogger Politics’,
or ‘Bloggertics’ as I’m christening it, has become more complex and
more pathetic during this time and it was making me feel a bit uneasy
– at times it seemed like a witch hunt! SO MUCH DRAMZ. Real life
can be a challenge as it is, so why invent another one for yourself?
So yeah, I was on my
way out and then a couple of things happened: firstly, my web host
automatically renewed my domain without telling me and secondly I
received this comment on one of my posts:
way out and then a couple of things happened: firstly, my web host
automatically renewed my domain without telling me and secondly I
received this comment on one of my posts:
I owe a big thank you
to this person, because it reminded me that what we write or say can
genuinely help other people, and that was another reason for this
blog’s existence – to further myself, document the journey and
share my experiences with those who care to read. This comment
brought all of that back for me. It reminded me of another comment I
received some years ago, saying that my blog is inspirational. Me?
Inspirational? Wow.
to this person, because it reminded me that what we write or say can
genuinely help other people, and that was another reason for this
blog’s existence – to further myself, document the journey and
share my experiences with those who care to read. This comment
brought all of that back for me. It reminded me of another comment I
received some years ago, saying that my blog is inspirational. Me?
Inspirational? Wow.
Now my mind is consumed
with thoughts of returning back to the blog, back to my blogging
roots. Fuck the Bloggertics. Fuck the complainers. I’m a doer, and I
will do what I love doing.
with thoughts of returning back to the blog, back to my blogging
roots. Fuck the Bloggertics. Fuck the complainers. I’m a doer, and I
will do what I love doing.
And currently, what I want to do is dreamy, mythical, avant-garde, retro-futuristic make up! (Bit of a mouthful there).
And without further ado:
ELF Complexion Perfection Powder (dupe for the BEN NYE Bana Powder)
Soap & Glory Archery in Hot Chocolate (an awesome dupe for the highly popular Anastasia Brow Wiz pencil)
*Makeup Revolution’s Give Them Nightmares palette. Used ‘White Noise’ all over the lid and brow bone & ‘Depravity’ on the crease and under eye.
Stargazer Eye Dust in 13 on the inner corner
Gosh, I am loving Makeup Revolution at the moment! The Depravity Lip Lacquer has quickly become a firm favourite of mine, to the point I now wear it daily. The formula is creamy, quite smooth and dries to a matte finish. After the powdery mess that was Topshop’s Velvet Lips, I’ve been a little skeptical of high street lipsticks but Makeup Revolution have defied all makeup logic: Pricey doesn’t necessarily mean better.
For the effect on the forehead and around the eyes I’m paying homage to Face Lace here, so I’ve used my own Iridescent cutouts and glued them to my mug with every schoolgirl/boy’s favourite: PVA Glue!! I felt like a Blue Peter presenter doing this, minus the classic washing up liquid bottle! But in all seriousness, I am forever fascinated by the colour changing properties of iridescence and how it looks different in various lightings, it’s so multi-dimensional!
November 25, 2014Glad to see a familar face! I keep toying with the idea of returning but as you said it seems a lot of its becoming too much like work… where has posting for fun gone!
Amazing dreamy, mythical, avant-garde, retro-futuristic make up look 😉
Maria xx
zara c
November 25, 2014Lovely to see you back lima! Love this post and looking forward to many more!!!
your make up looks are so refreshing to look at, keep up the fab work girl!
November 25, 2014I always see over twitter people complaining about not getting invites or in general with less deserving bloggers. Sometimes the community is annoying and has put me off from blogging a bit.
Blog for yourself and/or help others. It's great that people are able to google for help and come across your posts.. it's the best.
I really miss your posts! This look is amazing.. I can't get over those iridescent bits. Have you considered filming this look?!
November 25, 2014So glad you're back ^^ I definitely understand where you're coming from, I was happier in my little blogging bubble before I joined twitter and got to really know what the blogging community is like >.<
November 25, 2014Glad you like. And thank you!
I guess it still can be as long as we ignore the bullshit – easier said than done 🙁
November 25, 2014Thanks Zara! Means a lot. Hope you and the bubba are fine and dandy.
November 25, 2014Aww, thanks Crissy! <3 Erm, youtube! You know I was going to do YT last year but I'm not sure now, haha. Seems like a lot of effort and don't think I've got the time for it 🙁
It really is Twitter! It's annoying. At times it's like where is the gratitude? I understand that some of them are full time, but if a PR is ignoring you, you don't stop trying to make a success out of your blog. Where there is a will, there is a way!
November 25, 2014Thanks Mish! 🙂
Me too! Maybe we just follow the wrong people, haha!
November 26, 2014Also, I totally agree with you about the sense of entitlement some bloggers have. It drives me crazy.
November 26, 2014I love the colour of your hair. I have had purple hair in the past, but I could never get it that colour.
November 26, 2014Balls to the bloggertics!! Ignore them and carry on with your thang !!! X
zara c
November 26, 2014aww no problemo! aww we are good thanks! <3 trying my best to juggle his chores and blogging lol xx
November 27, 2014Uuuuhhhmazing! Am glad to see you back 🙂 I actually keep seeing posts about bloggers comparing today's blogosphere with that of 2010 or thereabout and finding it lacking. It definitely feels like it's losing the personal edge in favour of sponsorship and making money, but I still love reading blogs where the blogger is doing exactly what she (or he) wants to do. Much better that way! Also can I just say your skin looks FLAWLESS. I'm saving for Sheer Glow in the New Year. xx
December 24, 2014I'm so glad you decided to continue blogging. I don't think you should worry about all this blogger politics because your readers know you are genuine and we can tell when bloggers actually enjoy writing their blog rather than using it to sell and receive products.
Your writing style and your own unique personal style is what brings people to your blog so i really think you should carry on 🙂 i would be so sad to see it go!
Theano L.
December 24, 2014Wow!! Your hair and the makeup are so f* awesome! You look amazing! I'm following you on GFC! I would be really happy if you could visit mine and follow me too! Kisses
Beauty Junkie
December 24, 2014Hey love love love this look, you just keep up the fab work.