Reverse Eyeliner 3

Ahoy there!

During December and January, I found myself barely wearing eyeshadow, and instead creating looks using different types of graphic liner. I think this might have been down to the fact it doesn’t take me all that long to draw on the liner, and I don’t need to deal with the faff of applying shadows and blending etc, so it developed in to a bit of a habit to just go for the graphic liner.
However I’ve decided I need to smash that habit, break free and give my eyeshadows some much needed loving. I was inspired by Daisy Marquez video on Reverse Eyeliner, where she created a cut crease using neutral shades and used concealer to do a sort of inside-out liner look. When I saw this, I thought I simply have to try it, but go with something a bit more colourful. Because yeah, I like colour!

Reverse Eyeliner Close up

So, to re-create this look, I started off by priming my lids and applying MAC‘s Brule all over them. I used to wear this shadow on an actual daily basis, but it’s kind of fallen to the back of the eyeshadow drawer in recent times, so it felt good to liberate it once more. Oh, and it always makes me think of blowtorches.
Well anyway, I then decided to apply three colours to the crease, starting off with a nice turquoise shade, then applying a purple and a pink, making sure I blended them all into each other, so it doesn’t look like three solid blocks of separate colour, but more of an ombre. I repeated this step on the lower lash line too.
Next up, I applied Lime Crime’s En Pointe foiled shadow to the inner corners with my finger, before getting ready for the piece de resistance – the concealer. I started to apply the concealer as a line, just as Daisy had, but all the while I was afraid the concealer would ball up over the Brule. Thankfully it didn’t, but it was just a touch streaky, so I went back in and just patted some more on top and voila – Reverse Eyeliner!
Product List
|| FACE ||

Reverse Eyeliner
Illamasqua‘s Skin Base – 10
Make Up Forever Full Cover Camouflage Cream – #8
LA Girl Pro Conceal – Creamy Beige 
BEN NYE Banana Luxury Powder
|| CHEEKS ||
MAC Powder Blush – Gingerly 
SLEEK Face Contour Kit – Medium 
*Phees Makeup Shop Luxe Highlighter – Shook 
|| BROWS ||
NYX Tint & Frame Brow Pomade – Espresso
|| EYES ||

Reverse Eyeliner Close up 4
MUA Pro Base Eye Primer
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil – Milk
MAC’s E/S – Brule
Sugarpill Pressed Eyeshadows – Mochi & Dollipop 
Sigma Individual Eyeshadow – Moonbeam
Lime Crime Superfoils – En Pointe 
LA Girl Pro Conceal – Creamy Beige
Rimmel Soft Kohl Kajal Eyeliner – White
L’Oreal False Lash Superstar X Fiber Mascara
|| LIPS ||
MAC Kohl Powder Eye Pencil – Feline
Lime Crime Velvetines – Black Velvet
Even though this look was all about the Reverse Eyeliner, I have to give an honourable mention to the highlighter I’ve used here. I remember the days where highlighters were incredibly subtle, so subtle in fact, they were impossible to photograph. But in the past year or so, I’ve really noticed that highlighters are really coming to the fore. I always get asked what I’m using, and I have to say I’ve used Phee’s Makeup Shop Luxe Highlighters for months without fail.
It’s really strong stuff, and it got me thinking whilst I was watching a ‘How to Highlight Your Cheekbones’ video on YouTube, where the girl was layering on The Balm’s Mary Lou Manizer. She applied three layers to get a reasonably strong highlight, but Phee’s highlighters never, ever need more than one. For this look, I used her latest offering ‘Shook’, which is described as a shifting highlighter which can appear pink or green under various lighting, but on my skin it appears more pinky/silvery – and I fucking love it!
If you’re curious about her highlighters, check out my full review on her Luxe range HERE, or check out her shop HERE. And if you fancy a discount – let’s be honest, who doesn’t? – use the code FASHIONICIDE for 10% off.

*PR Sample

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  • Ophelia of Harts
    January 30, 2017

    So cute! This look is so inspiring~! I want to try the reverse eyeliner look but doubt I can do it aha.

    Lovely post

  • The Dainty Dolls House
    January 31, 2017

    Just too darn fantastic x

  • Unknown
    February 1, 2017

    I wish I had your skills!
    Love from India <3

    Tanvi || The Duskess

  • Chris
    August 20, 2017

    Your eyes look fantastic. I truly love this look.Thanks for sharing this.