I’m back with another Dip Hem or in other words, the High Low.
If you happened to stumble upon my last outfit post, you may remember I was banging on about how much I’m loving that sumptuous purple Dip Hem dress I purchased on eBay. Well, only a day or two after that post I visited Forever21 and spotted the most gorgeous high-low skirt. EVER.
Yes, it’s a bold statement coming from one as fickle as I but just take a look at it! It’s black, it’s lace, not too long nor too short. It’s the perfect size for petite ladies and best of all: it cost £12. Twelve Pounds Sterling.

Forever21 weren’t just hot on the skirts that day, I also picked up this rhinestoned lavender blue top, although Forever21 would prefer it to be called ‘Periwinkle’, for £15. Whether you want to call it Lavender Blue or Periwinkle, the top is still a beauty and it was the colour that drew me in. My wardrobe is devoid of anything this colour and this top convinced me it was time to change!

So for this outfit I’ve paired the two together, tucked the top into the skirt and wrapped my favourite skinny studded belt around it. Would you believe, I wore this to a Wedding! Don’t fret though, it was a ‘Smart Casual’ occasion, with the groom donning jeans and a shirt!
 A gust of wind. Thank GOD it has an underskirt with it or that would have been awkward… 

Periwinkle Rhinestoned Top – Forever21 (It’s on sale on the website!)
Black Floral Lace Dip Hem Skirt – Forever21 
Gold Studded Skinny Belt – Gift
Black Wraparound Diamante Bracelet  Forever21 
As you might be able to guess Forever21 is my new favourite store at the moment, which is pretty dangerous! I got a bit distracted writing this post, ahem, browsing through their sale section. *Gulp*
I couldn’t find the lace skirt online but I did spot loads on the rails at the Trafford Centre store last week so there may still be a few in stock!
 Have you bought anything from Forever21 lately? What are your ‘Must Haves’ for the beautiful weather we’ve been having recently?
OH, I almost forgot… I’ve gone and signed myself up to Lookbook! I’m still a little unsure as to how to use it, so if you have any tips, get in touch! I’m shocked though, at one point  technology didn’t faze me, but now I’m like: “Wuh?!” Clearly I’m not ‘Down with the kids’ anymore!!

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