
The Topshop Feather Cape

You know the script by now: I’m walking through the Arndale Centre, it’s a dull, grey, rainy day outside and I’m soaked right through. To make my mood even worse, I’ve already been to H&M, Miss Selfridges and New Look but found nothing of note. I’m walking past Topshop, and like a gale-force wind, something knocks me off my feet.

On this occasion, my eyes were drawn to a mannequin that looked seven feet tall with an imposing black feather cape that gave off a petroleum-style sheen under the bright spotlights as I circled it in sheer awe. My brain split into three: one stood open-mouthed gawping at it, the second questioning if such feathers came from a real bird and the third declaring “BUY” in capslock.

Imposing really is the right word for this: it’s huge, the feathers look frighteningly real, as if a giant crow dipped itself in petrol and shed its feathers. It’s one of those pieces rarely seen on the high street.

Next to this Black garment of beauty was its angelic nude equivalent. Whilst it looked nice, it lacked the same aura and physical presence of its satanic sister. With black, it could easily be paired up with almost anything you could possibly own, ever. Whereas the nude one could only ever go with lighter shades and would risk making you look a bit too much like a giant chicken.

As for my outfit, I’ve paired mine with this stunning metallic Maxi dress I purchased way back in 2011 in preparation for my trip to Nepal. I wore it on one of the days of my friend’s wedding out there, but since returning it’s been collecting dust at the back of the wardrobe. I know, criminal!

Dresses like this are the reason I find it so difficult to part with my clothes, I put them in my wardrobe, leave them there for ages and ‘re-discover’ them at a time when I want to clear some space. Having good taste is such a burden at times(!)





Mix Feather Cape: Topshop || Bronze Metallic Split Maxi Dress: Miss Selfridge || Gold & Black Prayer Beads Necklace: Gift || Multi Row Gold Diamante Cuff Bracelet: Gift

The necklace on display is actually a set of prayer beads brought back from Hajj by my brother, I’ve had prayer beads ever since I can remember and it’s great that they can be so multi-functional. The Gold and Diamante Bracelet was a gift from my sister a while back and the goosepimples on my arms were courtesy of Manchester!

If you’ve been following me on Instagram lately, you’ll have noticed my new hair. Keep your eyes peeled for a post on that soon!

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